Virtual, Remote, Online...

Whatever you want to call it, we offer 1:1 support and tailored guidance over the phone or via a screen. A smartphone, tablet or computer can be used for a decluttering and organising video call. A number of different platforms are available so if you would prefer to use WhatsApp or Facetime instead of Zoom or Skype that is your choice.

Working online is not just a way to make progress instead of cancelling a face to face appointment when you are snowed in or if your child has a stomach bug on the day of a planned session.


A 30-minute catch-up service to help you to find your focus and maximise your effort. We offer tips and accountability if you are able to make progress with minimal support and guidance to get the ball rolling or offer tweaks to enhance a previous project that we worked on together in person. A clarity call can help you to prioritise and get you started if the motivation is hard to find.

1:1 Online Support

We appreciate that well-being is important and that the home environment will influence how the occupants feel. To help more people access the support that could help them, we are currently able to offer a more affordable option of shorter sessions payable by the hour. If you think your needs could be better met in a particular way or time scale please get in touch to have a chat.

Our health is important and we value our down time, so we charge a higher rate for working at weekends or in the evenings. Please have a direct conversation with us about your needs.


We won’t know if you have or have not VACUUMED ;)

There is never judgement from the Clutter Cleared team, either in person or when working via technology. However, if you chose to spend your time and energy doing something more exciting than cleaning prior to our video call then rest assured knowing that we really can not tell from the other side of the internet. Beware though, you may need to stand up and move around during the session so please make sure you get fully dressed beforehand.


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shorter sessions - great if you have little time

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Daytime, evening & weekend slots available

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Affordable Expert Support & Guidance

I knew our Zoom appointments were focusing on my wardrobes, so I didn’t frantically make the kids bedroom look presentable since you weren’t here in person. It was a great laugh and super that I could actually try on the “unsure pile” overnight or I might never have got round to finishing off. We’ve got 7 pairs of shoes, three bin bags of tops, 4 coats and a handbag for the charity drop. What’s left looks much better now it’s all actually in order. I would never have believed I could keep it like this for 3 days let alone 3 weeks. The chair in my bedroom is now somewhere to sit and read rather than just a heap of clothes. I can’t wait to go through the pantry together for our next session.
— Suzy M, London [2 hour Wardrobe Detox].